Duty-free import of cement welcomed

16 Apr, 2006

The Punjab Economic Forum (PEF) has appreciated the government's decision to allow duty-free import of cement and termed it a big relief to the construction industry, which actually was suffering for the last many days.
In a statement issued, here on Saturday, President Punjab Economic Forum Mian Anjum Nisar, Vice Presidents Mehboob Nasir Chaudhry, Jalil Ahmad Malik and Mian Mohammad Hanif said that the decision would not only bring the fast increasing prices to reasonable level but would also help speedy execution of ongoing projects all over the country.
They said that due to sharp increase in the prices of cement, not only the construction sector was hitting but the allied industry was also in bad shape.
They also appreciated the ECC's decision to bring the cement into Price Control Act and withdrawal of duty drawback facility to discourage its export to Afghanistan.

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