Punjab governor slams Karachi blast

16 Apr, 2006

Punjab Governor Lieutenant General Khalid Maqbool (Retd) speaking in a seminar on Seerat-un-Nabi at Government College University here on Saturday said the Muslims of Pakistan always remained at forefront in their feelings of love and adherence to the teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
Punjab Governor averred the life of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is the central guiding point for Muslim Ummah. He said the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) always consider whole humanity as one fraternity and pray for its well being. He stated the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) always ask its followers to strictly pay 'Haqooq-ul-Ibad' and be agile in their deliverance in this regard.
Punjab Governor further stated that Muslims till the time remained attached to the field of education remained world leaders and when they weakened that link, went backward and lost their command in the world.
The governor strongly criticising recent Karachi incident of bomb blast said the government would make all endeavours to curb such incidents in future.
Renowned Egyptian scholar Dr Fatehi Usman speaking on the occasion said the Muslims while adhering to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) could face any challenge of the present times or future. The scholar quoting the Prophet's (Peace Be Upon Him) magnanimity said during Fateh-e-Makka, the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) forgave worst of his enemies. He said Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is a blessing for whole mankind and peace can be achieved if we all adhere to his teachings, he added.
Educationists and large number of students were present on the occasion.

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