Pakistan to facilitate Saudi investors: Musharraf tells Prince Sultan

16 Apr, 2006

President General Pervez Musharraf and Saudi Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz on Saturday held wide-ranging talks at Aiwan-e-Sadr here, focusing particularly on expanding bilateral economic and trade relations.
The two leaders also exchanged views on regional and international issues of common concern, including counter-terrorism, conflict resolution, situation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestinian question, Iranian nuclear issue, OIC reform and the Kashmir dispute.Welcoming the Saudi Prince, the President said that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were bound in indelible bonds of friendship, rooted in religion, culture and history.
"These relations will continue to grow, and I am fully confident that the business communities of the two countries would be able to explore new avenues for commerce, joint ventures and investment to further cement the excellent and broad-based ties between the two countries," the President said.
Identifying energy, refinery, infrastructure, food processing as some of the most potential areas for Saudi investment in Pakistan, he said that the country would facilitate entrepreneurs from Saudi Arabia and offer level playing field to them.
The two leaders also discussed defence co-operation. Musharraf thanked the Saudi government and people for extending assistance to Pakistan in the aftermath of last October's earthquake catastrophe and expressed hope for continued commitment.
Saudi Arabia has pledged $573 million in assistance for Pakistan's relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in the quake zone. "We look forward to more economic opportunities for Pakistan's skilled workforce in Saudi Arabia, especially from the quake-hit areas," he said.
The President discussed Pakistan-India relations and efforts for an early and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute. The Crown Prince appreciated Pakistan's efforts in this respect and hoped for a successful outcome of these endeavours.
The two leaders also exchanged views on reform of the Organisation of Islamic Conference with a view to enabling it to lead the Muslim world to durable socio-economic progress and pull it out of its current turmoil.
In this regard, Musharraf particularly underlined the importance of enhancing intra-OIC trade, and said that a sustained focus on the issue through a dedicated department at the organisation could be greatly helpful.
"Pakistan believes that the way forward lies in greater trade and economic co-operation. Blessed with natural resources, the OIC countries can certainly supplement and complement each other's economies for the collective wellbeing of their people."
The Saudi Prince said that Riyadh views President Musharraf's efforts and initiatives for reorganisation of the OIC with great admiration. He particularly praised the Pakistani leader's vision of enlightened moderation, aimed at wellbeing.
Discussing counter-terrorism co-operation, the two leaders vowed to work together for efforts aimed at resolution of political disputes affecting the Muslims and promotion of inter-faith harmony for lasting peace, development and security in the world.
While Speaking at a banquet hosted in honour of Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, the two leaders pledged to impart further depth and strength to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia's multi-faceted relationship.
Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, members of federal cabinet, services chiefs, foreign diplomats, notable citizens and senior officials attended the banquet.
In his speech, the President said Pakistan is for further expanding its economic and political ties with Saudi Arabia by taking the trade and commerce ties to new heights.
Musharraf expressed the hope that visit of the Crown Prince, following the visit of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, would further cement strong brotherly relations between the two countries.
"Pakistan greatly cherishes its brotherly ties with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and has great respect for the efforts of Saudi leadership for the emancipation of the Muslim Ummah and also towards bringing peace and stability in the region," the President said.
Pakistan, Musharraf said, fully stands with King Abdullah and is supportive and committed to his efforts towards bringing peace and harmony in the region.
The Crown Prince, in his speech, said the Kingdom wishes continued development of Pakistan and added that King Abdullah greatly appreciates the Pakistani leadership and people for their recent economic strides.
The Saudi leadership, he said, is determined to further promote ties with Pakistan in all spheres, including cultural, economic, commercial and political.

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