Five killed in Indian occupied Kashmir violence

04 Sep, 2005

Two top members of Indian Occupied Kashmir's most powerful freedom fighter's group - Hizbul Mujahedin, were among five people killed in the latest bout of violence in the revolt-hit region, police said on Saturday.
The bloodshed came as freedom fighters geared up for talks with India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New Delhi on Monday to discuss future of the region.
A police spokesman said Adil Pathan, one of the Hizb commanders, was shot dead in Pulwama district on Saturday during a pre-dawn clash with Indian soldiers and special counter-freedom police.
Another Hizb commander was shot dead during a similar clash in Udhampur district on Saturday, police said.
Two Hindus and a Muslim were killed late on Friday when suspected freedom fighters sprayed them with bullets in Doda district's Sourbathi village, a police spokesman said.
He said one of the slain Hindus was working with counter-freedom police.
Three Indian army soldiers were wounded in a landmine explosion near Sopore on Saturday, police said.

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