Government accused of planning large-scale rigging in second phase

23 Aug, 2005

People of Pakistan were truly democratic, enlightened and freedom lovers, and this was evident from the fact that even after six years of autocratic rule, they showed allegiance to democracy and sided with democratic parties in spite of the government pressures and rigging in the local government elections.
Muhammad Pervaiz Malik, PML-N Central Secretary Finance, expressed these views while addressing a meeting of PML-N workers here on Monday.
Malik claimed that the opposition-backed candidates have won in a large number in the first phase of the LB elections. However, he said that following a setback in the first phase, the government has planned a large scale rigging in the second phase. The government functionaries proclaim victory in the elections before the results were announced and then manipulate the results during the period from the polling to announcement of results, he alleged.
According to him, the elections under the government interference and election commission without any administrative machinery and powers to control rigging were a fraud. But, in spite of all these odds, the democratic people of Pakistan have shown resentment against the government-backed candidates and voted for the opposition parties candidates.

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