British military attache in Pakistan relieved

18 Aug, 2005

Britain's military attache to Pakistan has been removed from his post after losing the confidence of the British High Commission in Islamabad, the ministry of defence said on Wednesday.
The decision was taken after Brigadier Andrew Durcan formed an "inappropriate relationship" with a suspected female Pakistani spy, according to a report in the Britain's best-selling daily, The Sun.
"We can confirm that Brigadier Durcan has been removed from post following an internal investigation into his conduct," a ministry spokesman in London said.
"The ministry of defence decided to replace him after he lost the confidence of the high commission," he added, without elaborating.
The Sun's defence editor said Durcan, 56, was relieved of his position by the Foreign Office, which runs the high commission, after he had been "tricked into a close friendship by the attractive woman".

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