CDA approves Rs 2.5 billion sewerage treatment plant, accord signed

18 Aug, 2005

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) on Wednesday approved Sewerage Treatment Plant Project costing Rs 2.5 billion. CDA Board gave the approval here in a meeting with Chairman Kamran Lashari in the chair.
CDA and a French firm OTV Consultants signed an agreement to reactivate and expand existing sewerage treatment plant which was established in 1965-66 in Sector I-9 to treat drain water of seven sectors of Islamabad and utilise it for commercial, industrial and agriculture purposes.
A deputy director along with a staff of two assistant directors will head the capital's mega sewerage plant project. The two assistant directors would be from civil, electrical and mechanical engineering cadres.
The project also includes construction of Phase IV and rehabilitation/refurbishment of I, II and III.
The extension project of STP will help treat from 10 to 18 million gallons per day (mgd) polluted water of about 10 sectors of the federal capital.
The French government is providing nearly 20 million euros soft loan. The French firm has been asked to complete the project within three years.
Under the terms and conditions of the project, the French company will also repair two plants, which were installed in 1964 and rehabilitate the third plant that was commissioned in 1985 but it never worked.
The first two plants have a capacity to treat six million gallons of sewerage per day coming from sectors G-5, G-6, F-6, G-7 and F-7.
The third plant, which is not operational, was installed to treat six million gallons of sewerage per day from the sectors G-8, F-8, I-9, G-9 and F-9.
The fourth plant, which is being newly installed, will have a capacity to treat 18 million gallons of sewerage from 10 sectors including G-10, I-10, F-10, I-11, G-11, F-11, G-12, D-12, E-12 and F-12.

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