Partly Facetious: guided democracy and guided missiles

16 Aug, 2005

"Did you hear the latest?"
"About what? I mean we have the arrests, more arrests, expulsions, then more expulsions, we have the politicians being overruled, we have guided democracy in the true sense of the word, guided at every turn of our lives..."
"Calm down. I was referring to the decision by the full bench of the Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, declaring that numerous sections and clauses of the Hasba Bill are ultra vires of the Constitution."
"Well, that was expected. I mean if it wasn't the President would have gone another route."
"Are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting."
"Nope, all I meant was that the Hasba Bill was kinda outrageous and so obviously against our Constitution and it's not as if the Supreme Court could very well say it has already become the law of the province so its legality is assured."
"I know what you are referring to. But I agree. Anyway the point is that now the Governor is asked not to sign it."
"One question. If we get a President who is in favour of the Hasba Bill then the same would have been signed yes?"
"I would imagine yes. The Constitution would have been changed if so required if you know what I mean. It's all a matter of convincing one man, remember the Hudood Ordinance?"
"Yep, I do. And too well."
"Interestingly, though the NWFP speaker's counsel, Dr Farooq Hassan, was not given time for arguments as the court observed that his client was not summoned."
"Very interesting indeed. Is that allowed in a court of law?"
"How would I know? I am not a lawyer."
"The deported Maulana has said that it is good to see that the apex court did not reject the Bill in toto, but only disputed a few clauses."
"I thought it was a rejection in toto, almost in toto."
"Well, there you go - each one sees what he or she wants to see."
"The deported Maulana also said that challenging the bill before the assent of the governor was unconstitutional. As the bill was still awaiting the signature of the governor it was not a law, he has maintained. Now the question arises: why did the Supreme Court hear the reference?"
"Indeed that question may arise and we all know its answer."
"I guess we do."
"Oh, well guided or..."
"You know whenever you say the word guided I think of the guided missiles and..."
"And maybe it's not such a bad analogy."

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