'Visit Pakistan Year'

16 Aug, 2005

According to a news item, the federal government has declared the year 2006 as the 'Visit Pakistan Year'. Probably, the federal government does not know that the country does not have the requisite infrastructure and the right image to lure tourists to Pakistan. Let us have a look at the pros and cons of declaring 'Visit Pakistan Year'.
First, the prevailing image of Pakistan world-wide is that of being an unsafe country and a haven for terrorists. It is simply impossible to change that dreadful image over the coming months.
Second, most of the tourist attractions are located in the province of N.W.F.P. The province is ruled by the MMA whose image is hardly conducive to attracting foreign tourists. Besides, NWFP stands widely publicised for harbouring militants and terrorists.
Third, the hotel industry in Pakistan is notorious for overcharging guests. The hotels have the past record of doubling and quadrupling their rates at the time of international exhibitions and events. Besides, the existing motels, resorts and hotels are so few in number that an unusual inflow of guests cannot just be accommodated.
Fourth, the domestic airlines are in the habit of escalating their fares as and when they have the opportunity to do so. They will not hesitate to squeeze the tourists as well as the domestic travellers, thus creating a bad image for Pakistan and hardships for the domestic travellers.
Fifth, the railways, a cheaper alternative to airlines, is just unfit for comfortable and convenient passage of foreign tourists.
Last but not the least, where is the plan to promote tourism in the year 2006?

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