Musharraf accused of disgracing country

16 Aug, 2005

Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal, Jamat-i-Islami and Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) have condemned President General Pervez Musharraf for disgracing the country by dancing along with the artistes during a PTV programme held in connection with the Independence Day celebrations on Sunday night.
MMA President Qazi Hussain Ahmed, PML-N Chief Co-ordinator Ahsan Iqbal and PML-N Punjab General Secretary Syed Zaeem Hussain Qadri said that the General's act had not only caused great embarrassment for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the entire nation, but also disgraced his office.
In a joint statement here on Sunday, they lamented that under the pressure of his "godfather" from the West, the General had launched his so-called "enlightened moderation" philosophy and under the garb of this theory, he had made the nation morally bankrupt.
They said that Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, however, was appreciable in this respect that he did not accept the offer and avoided to participate in the "dance" while General Musharraf continued for a while exhibiting his so-called "soft image," which was contrary to the Islamic, Muslim spirit and their traditions.

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