'Japanese ready to invest in Pakistan'

16 Aug, 2005

The Consul-General of Japan, Shoichi Nakano has said that Japanese investors are ready to invest in Pakistan and establish new industrial units in joint ventures. Speaking at a meeting of Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) on Monday morning, he said that Pakistan is economically sound country and it offers best investment environment.
He noted that Pakistan and Japan have old trade relations and conducting bilateral trade for last 50 years.
He said that a trade-boosting mission was establish in 1952 to boost two-way trade between the two countries but it did nothing to in this regard.
He said that the volume of trade could be much higher if this mission had made some efforts to boost the two-way trade.
Nakano said that Japan is a car manufacturing country and Pakistan has big demand of these cars. However, Japanese companies play no role in higher prices or black-marketing of vehicles in Pakistan.
Regarding issuance of Japanese visa, he said that generally Japan issues visa in a week's time. "It is a totally wrong impression that the consulate takes three months in issuing visa".
He said that sometimes the consulate receives threatening calls in respect of issuing visas. He said that frequent travels between Pakistan and Japan increase contact which helps boost two-way trade and improve information about each other market's demands and products.
Welcoming the guests, Chairman, KATI, Abdul Hafiz Khan said that Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz's visit to Japan would play an important role in further strengthening economic and trade ties.

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