Nation celebrates Independence Day today

14 Aug, 2005

The nation will celebrate 59th Independence Day today (Sunday) with a renewed pledge to make Pakistan a developed and real Islamic welfare state. The Day will dawn with thirty-one and twenty-one guns' salute in the federal and provincial capitals respectively.
Special prayers will be offered for the prosperity, integrity and progress of the country, unity of Ummah and liberation of occupied Muslims territories.
The main national flag hoisting ceremony will be held here at Convention Center. President General Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz will be the chief guest at the ceremony.
Azadi sirens will be played at 6-59 am throughout the country, which will put to halt all types of traffic for a minute.
Later, the President will address the nation, which will be broadcast by Radio Pakistan and PTV live from the Center.
Flag hoisting ceremonies will also be held in provincial capitals, small and big towns and in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
It will be a closed holiday. Various social, cultural, educational and political organisations have arranged special programmes to mark the Day with fervour.
People from all walks of life are taking part in celebrations and have decorated streets, buildings and bazaars with colourful buntings and national flags.
Public and private buildings, shopping centres and bazaars that have been tastefully decorated in Islamabad and Rawalpindi and other big and small cities are giving a festive look.
People have hoisted national flags on their houses, cars, motor bikes, besides on public transport.

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