Reading can be fun!

30 Jul, 2005

Reading is very important. It is important to be an informed citizen to succeed in one's chosen career. The learning process begins in infancy. 'Read to your child' is a phrase often told to parents, but many of us do not have as much time as we would like to do it. The early years of life set the stage for later development.
As the world becomes more complex, reading is increasingly important for children trying to find their place in it. It is well known that children, who read, do better in all subjects and aspects of schooling and beyond.
Reading habit can be advantageous in more ways than one. Perhaps the most important advantage is the quality time you will spend together. You will share a special moment by taking part in an activity that can be done almost any time and any place. Sitting on your lap, your child will have a sense of security and your relationship becomes deeper.
By reading a story aloud, your child will learn to follow the story from beginning to end. When the child follows the story line, letter recognition and new vocabulary develops. Try adding an extra word in the story- your child will tell you now that he has heard the difference. When there is more than one language spoken in the household, the child will develop his hearing of the language and be able to use the correct pronounciation. Reading habit also enhances the child's love for words. A child will grow up to be a reader.
Help your child in selection of books. Borrowing books from the library is the best way to provide vast collection to your children. To enjoy the reading, select something interesting.
If you cannot find a book to read, try your newspaper. To make reading more interesting, change your tone of voice, use low and high pitch and use squeaking sounds and other noises. Discuss the story line and characters with your children.
Bedtime reading can be a fun too. Set aside a special time to read to your child. The concentration time limit for younger children is maximum fifteen minutes, thus the young child, probably needs ten minutes reading session. Give it a try! You may find it's as much fun for you as it is for the child.

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