Ecological imbalance & remedies

30 Jul, 2005

What is engaging the minds of the world and the contemporary man today is the fundamental problem of ecological imbalance and solution thereof. The most pressing problem is survival - the survival of humanity and the survival of four planet itself.
Owing to the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide caused by modern industrial societies, wide spread combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), the greenhouse effect is being intensified with each passing day. It is bound to result in long-term climatic changes. The following is predicted to happen:
· An increase in atmospheric concentrations of other trace gases such as chlorofluorocarbons (Freons), nitrous oxide and methane, due again largely to human activity, may also aggravate greenhouse conditions.
· A growing number of scientists has predicted that significant alterations in climate patterns will be seen by the turn of the century.
· Rising of sea levels by melting glaciers and submerging of low lying areas under the sea.
Lately we have been talking about the upliftment of the standard of living of the common man. This, not withstanding one serious issue to which we have to direct our attention, is the ecological issue as a threat to the environment in our immediate surroundings and on a world scale, endangering the meaning of our existence and our values. These days ecological problems are at par with social and political ones.
One must appreciate that the poverty of the Third World cannot be separated from environmental pollution and deforestation. The indiscriminate environmental abuse is a direct consequence of the socio economic system whose only motivating force is to maximise profit at whatever cost it may be. Although poverty forces the people to cut trees for burning as fuel in the Third World countries including Pakistan, but the real devil swallowing the forests is the human greed and vested interests.
In the name of development, sky scrappers, roads and highways are being built without taking into account the ecological imbalance such acts may cause. Even the places like Murree and Nathiagali, which offered an escape to our populace from living in polluted citites, have not been spared. The other day there was hue and cry in the newspapers on the issue of converting Cecil Hotel into an apartment building project. In the meanwhile other high-rise building projects have been announced in Murree. If the efforts of vested interests succeed, Murree will cease to be Murree as far as its natural beauty and pollution-free atmosphere is concerned. Concrete blocks will not only be a sore to the eyes but waste disposal will also cause a problem and plastic bags will be seen hanging over the chestnut trees. I dread the throught of it.
Now let us see what is happening in the over crowded cities.
- Trees are being cut to give way to the construction of road networks and high-rise buildings. Over commercialisation has discouraged provision of parks and playgrounds.
- In spite of ever increasing population, no proper waste disposal system has ever been considered necessary. In Karachi 3,000 tonnes of waste and 364 tonnes of polyethylene bags are burnt. Every year 275,000 tonnes of carbon monoxide gets mixed up with the air we breathe. Forty-five percent of this is contributed by the burnt garbage.
-- Industries are allowed to dump their waste into the sea thereby polluting the seawater.
-- Thousands of dilapidated and old smoke emitting vehicles are allowed to ply on our streets and make the people inhale poison. There are 1.6 million vehicles on the Karachi roads alone. About 4,000 mini-buses are 20-25 years old and not fit for carrying human beings. They do not meet the fitness criteria required for clean environment. Noise pollution varies between 82-88 decibels. Pressure horns and auto rickshaws are the source.
This is the scenario in which we live and work. No wonder the average life span of a city dweller in Pakistan is about half of the people living in the Western world. Diseases like asthma, gastrointestinal disease, Hepatitis-B, H.B.P, sinus problems, tuberculosis and nerves problems are spreading rapidly. Medical facilities are nothing to write about. We must address the problem of ecology seriously in order to save our nation from these perils. The following multipronged remedial measures are recommended to save the situation:
-- The regulation against cutting of trees must be rigidly followed and heavy penalty imposed for transgressing it.
-- Proper waste disposal system must be worked out and implemented. This must include the industrial waste.
-- All dilapidated buses and mini-buses must be replaced with CNG and Euro-II buses and coasters.
-- Vehicle inspection system must be introduced and all vehicles must carry fitness certificates.
-- Car Loans must not be encouraged by banks so as to reduce the number of vehicles on the roads.
-- Present noisy auto rickshaws to be banned and replaced by 4-stroke CNG auto rickshaws.
-- Footpaths must be constructed on all roads and lanes and people encouraged to walk specially short distances. Because of lack of footpaths and dirty edges of the roads and lanes, people are forced to use vehicles even for short distances, which can be avoided.
-- City squares, parks and playground must be built in all the localities to allow the city dwellers breathe fresh air.
-- Poverty alleviation programme should be implemented on priority basis and industrialised nations must come to the rescue of the poor nations.
-- No high-rise buildings should be allowed to be built in our hill resorts.
If we wish to save ourselves from natural disasters like tsunami, we must restore the ecological imbalance in our country. Nature can tolerate the human interference in the order of things only to a degree. Beyond that invites serious repercussions.

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