Concern over non-payment of salaries

16 Jul, 2005

The employees of Tehsil Municipal Administration (TMA) have expressed grave concern over non-payment of salaries, and strongly demanded of Punjab government to take immediate action before the election and direct local council officials to pay salaries immediately.
According to reports, the Tehsil Municipal Administration (City) has failed to disburse salaries for the month of June due to paucity of funds. TMA sources said that the TMA (City) caretaker was avoiding to sign cheques of different projects and official expenditures.
Similarly, they said, the provincial government had stopped payment of funds to local councils, saying that caretakers have no right to spend or allocate funds for different purposes.
Funds for salaries of TMA (City) employees had not been released by higher authorities for the last couple of weeks, with the result that TMA employees are facing various problems on account of non-payment of their salaries.
TMA finance section officials confirmed that no funds had so far been received for the disbursement of salaries to employees.

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