
16 Jul, 2005

London also became victim of the ill-conceived policy of George W. Bush and Tony Blair, who themselves have assumed the role of arbitrators of freedom and morality in the global context while having deficit of same in their actions and pronouncements.
The London carnage after the so-called 9/11 in which Tony Blair has lent its full military support to George W. Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan had landed the world into serious crises.
London carnage of July 7th, not only took the lives of over 50 innocent commuters while 25 are missing with nearly 1000 injured, but this may leave a deep scar on the face of British multi-cultural and multi-religious community, which may yet be another design to unfold a new chapter after the fall of the British Empire to turn Great Britain into Grave Britain.
No sane person in the world can support such heinous attack on innocent civilians, whether in London, Madrid, Istanbul, Gaza, Iraq or Afghanistan.
Associated Press correspondent Amy Teibel has reported that former prime minister and present Finance Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu was about to use London subway at the same time on 7th July to attend an economic conference in a hotel near the scene of one of the blasts.
British Scotlandy yard informed Israeli Embassy on the morning of 7th July that some attack is eminent, which prompted Netanyahu to stay back in his hotel.
Strange is a coincidence that Jews were not killed in 9/11 incident as they were forewarned of such an eventuality going to happen that day, which smacks of a hidden hand behind both these tragedies.
The root cause of the so-called war against terrorism or clash of civilisation is hidden behind Christians fear of Islamophobia in Europe. Since the days of crusades, which never vanished from the hearts and minds of the Christians, who felt threatened by Islam and its value system from day one, the newly hatched conspiracy of 9/11 has resulted in increase in number of Christian converting to Islam, this has triggered the backlash against Islam so the Catholics and Protestants have joined hands with the Jews to stop this change of heart in a barbaric way through pre-emptive attacks as have been seen in Iraq, Gaza and Afghanistan.
Killings of innocent civilians in Baghdad and Kunnar in Afghanistan are equally heinous and condemned as attacks on London subways.
So let us arrange a dialogue at people-to-people level to rewrite the agenda for change. Peace will then be ensured all over the world through our resolve to adopt a policy of live-and-let live because hate begets hate as time is also running fast and world has no room for this policy for any future adventurism.

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