Markup over markup

05 Jul, 2005

Please refer to Haji Hanif Sheikh's letter published in your daily of 28th June, 2005, with regard to markup on markup being charged by financial institutions. The role of the State Bank in enforcing its own provisions with regard to public protection is a joke vis-à-vis the public.
For the last fifty years public rights continue to be eroded at an accelerating pace, currently culminating at its current rockbottom level.
The State Bank will continue to put people and businesses in the adverse CIB and ECL lists without investigation, and help in the destruction of Pakistani businesses, incomes and employment opportunities.
As long as we pursue policies following western agenda which continue to saddle the third world, particularly Muslim countries with mountains of artificial and manoeuvred debt and sliding worthless and manoeuvred exchange rates, the plunder of the third world will continue to ensure submission and domination.

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