Transporters threaten token strike on July 21

05 Jul, 2005

The Karachi Transport Ittehad has expressed its deep concern over the recent raise of oil prices and threatened that city transporters would observe a 'token strike' on July 21, if the decision to raise the oil prices was not withdrawn. The transport ittehad members in an emergency called meeting held here, on Monday noted with concern that "on the pretext of rising oil prices in international market" the prices of diesel and petrol had been raised by Rs2.68 and Rs 3.41 per litre, respectively.
It said that during the last six months the fuel prices had been raised five times. It said that when the oil prices came down in the international market during these six months, fuel prices in the country were not brought down.
The meeting said that in May after the tragedy of Madinatul Ilm bomb blast a package was announced for the affected people, including transporters, but not a single penny was given to the transporters till now.
It said that despite all tall claims the government had not paid Rs 2.4 million dues of transporters for free use of vehicles.
The meeting, through a resolution, condemned that the provincial government failed to contact the Karachi Transport Ittehad after incidents of vehicle burning in Karachi.
It demanded of the federal government that recent raise in oil prices should be withdrawn, and as per lingering demands of transporters, petrol and diesel prices should be frozen at Rs 37 and Rs 24 per litre, respectively.
The meeting decided that it would not demand for further raise in fare.
It said that if demands of the transporters were not meet and their dues and compensation no paid, they would observe a token strike on Thursday, July 21, and if even then their demands were not meet they would again convene their meeting and announce strike for indefinite period.

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