Education complex to be set up in Peshawar

03 Jul, 2005

As many as 25,000 students will learn at a time in the proposed education complex (EC) from class first to intermediate level education under with equal education facilities and environment. Initially, the government has started work on its designing after which funds will be released for the construction of building in the capital city Peshawar, Provincial Education Minister Fazal Ali told journalist while talking in Guest Hour Programme of Peshawar press club here on Saturday.
He said education remained the first priority of NWFP government and maximum funds have been allotted for betterment and improving education standard in the province.
"Recommending the efficient education policy of the government World Bank assured NWFP government about the release of Structure Adjustment Credit-IV for education sector and acknowledged that standard of education is much better than other three provinces of the country" he added.
About the poor metric results of the government run schools, Maulana Ali said the responsible would be punished for which certain suggestions were under consideration. " Cabinet has discussed some suggestions as to how could improve the quality of education and one of them was to hand over the public schools to private sector under government monitoring," he said.
Cabinet had discussed some other options to recommend punishment for teachers who showed poor performances during recent exams, he added saying, " No teacher would be spared if he found responsible".
He said in higher education sector, the MMA government established 20 colleges in the year 2002-03 wherein 14 were reserved for girls. Similarly, 17 colleges were constructed during 2004-05, including 7 for girls and in the present year government had planned to establish 8 colleges in the province, minister informed.
"Government constituted more than 300 Parent Teachers Associations (PTAs) for increasing co-ordination among the parents and teachers for improvement of education" he added. He said government had recruited more than 9,000 primary school teachers and 3,000 SET teachers to fill the vacuum of teachers that had arisen because of ban on the appointment of teachers during last seven years. With the help of NCHD, government had started collecting data of children from each and every home and Rs 30 millions released for the purpose, minister said. "After collecting the data we would be able to plan our education policy for the primary students because the data will show the actual figure of school going children and those who are not attending the schools" he said.
He asked federal government to increase budget for education, as education was backbone of society. "Government of NWFP has allocated maximum funds for education and reserved 20 per cent of total budget for education, which would be gradually increased," he informed.

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