Female workers at petrol pumps

03 Jul, 2005

Rubina Kausar's rejoined of 10th June to Mumtaz Hussain's letter regarding the above subject made a lot of sense. Mumtaz Hussain's replay to her on 16th June smacked of ignorance and lacked correct perception of the Islamic way of life.
Mumtaz Hussain's views are similar to those people who very conveniently pass judgement from comfortable positions and situations without having to face economic hardships themselves. Bigtos and narrow-minded people will take out society, specially our womenfolk, back to the Jahilliya age.
Rubina Kausar is performing a perfectly respectable job. There is no loss of respect even if a female worker is filling gasoline in a car or a bus.
What is improper and indecent about this? In fact Rubina is giving dignity to the job.

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