Hizb commander among 5 killed in Indian occupied Kashmir

28 Jun, 2005

A divisional commander of Hizbul Mujahideen and a young girl were among five people killed in Indian occupied Kashmir on Monday, a police spokesman said. Shaukat Ali, the Hizb leader, was shot dead by occupation Indian troops in the southern district of Doda, a police spokesman said. "(Ali's) killing is a major setback to Hizbul Mujahideen," he said.
The killing comes three days after the Hizb claimed responsibility for a roadside car-bomb blast in Srinagar that killed nine Indian soldiers and injured more than 12 others.
Elsewhere in Kashmir's Anantnag district, a policeman and a freedom fighter were killed in two separate clashes, police said.
Suspected Mujahideen also shot dead a woman and a young girl in two separate attacks in the districts of Kupwara and Doda late Sunday.

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