Sindh chief minister calls for supremacy of law

26 Jun, 2005

Sindh Chief Minister, Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim has said that supremacy of law in the province was the top priority of his government and all out efforts were being made to safeguard the lives and property of law abiding people by restoring peaceful and conducive atmosphere in the province.
Addressing a public gathering at the 77th annual Urs celebrations of Pir Sher Muhammad Shah Jilani here at Gajelo Sharif near Tando Allahyar late Friday night, he expressed satisfaction over the current law and order situation in the province.
He said that before he assumed the office of Sindh CM, law and order situation in the province was not satisfactory but during his government increased vigilance improved the overall law and order situation and now the people of Sindh were doing their routine business without any fear.
The maintenance of rule of law was essential for rapid progress and prosperity of the province and the present government was making all out efforts in this direction, he added.
Streamlining irrigation system of the province was also one of the top priorities of his government, so that judicious distribution of water could he ensured to the growers, which was equally essential for the progress and prosperity of the province. As a result of sincere efforts the province achieved bumper crops of cotton wheat and rice.
Government had planned to establish Sindh Bank on the pattern of Punjab Bank to accelerate development activities in the province and to create more job-opportunities. The decision would also be helpful in gearing up agricultural and industrial activities in the province, he observed.
The growers' community could also take advantage of bank loans for development of their fields and crops. He called upon the growers to fully participate in the ongoing national scheme for improvement/lining of watercourses to ensure efficient utilisation of available water.
Government had also planned to carry out lining of distributories from the next financial year to save more water for crop cultivation in the province, he informed. He also announced the revamping of Naseer Wah from July.
Emphasising the importance of communication sector for the development of any area, CM informed that he was taking personal interest in the establishment of an effective communication network in the province.
Government had launched several schemes to provide better facilities to the people through road schemes including Tando Allahyar to Chamber-Gulab Leghari-Tando Ghulam Ali-Hyderabad to Shaikh Bhirkio, repair of Hyderabad to Mirpurkhas road and its bypass to National Highway, Tando Allahyar bypass road.
About creation of new districts in the province, Dr Arbab said the decision would not only help develop the areas but also generate bob opportunities, decentralise the power at grass root level giving an easy access to the people to get their problems solved at their doorsteps.
He said the creation of Tando Allahyar, as a new district would provide maximum opportunities to the people to develop their area and bring it up to the standard of other districts like Hyderabad.
On the occasion, he announced a special grant of Rs50 millions for the development of Tando Allahyar and asked the District Co-ordination Officer to effectively utilise the grant for uplift of the area.
Chief Minister assured encouragement of Malakhra, the traditional Sindhi wrestling and announced Rs0.5 million for strengthening of Sindh Malh Association. He also announced Rs0.1 million for medical treatment of Malh (wrestler) Ali Bux Jiskani.
He also assured the journalists of the area that the provincial government would approach federal government for implementation of the Wage Award.
While announcing the provision of residential plots to the journalists of Tando Allahyar, CM asked the DCO to identify the piece of land for establishment of journalist colony and also announced Rs0.1 million for Tando Allahyar Press Club. Referring to the problems of Gajelo Sharif, he announced establishment of a 'Musafirkhana' for devotees.
He also announced the construction of boys school building at Gajelo Sharif and provision of another ambulance for Tando Allahyar Hospital.

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