Female workers at petrol pumps

26 Jun, 2005

Many females doing various odd jobs with honour and dignity at several places including petrol pumps join me in unanimous endorsement of the views of Miss Rubina Kausar on the subject.
While, we whole heatedly support the true, crystal-clear and courageous-stand of our brave sister Miss Rubina, we out-right reject and strongly condemn the gender-biased, backwardly-orthod and viciously-prejudiced 'CRITICISM' of 'Mumtaz Hussain' deeply against females-growing, for the sake of mere criticism expressed though Business Recorderdated 02nd and l6~ June 2005.
What is wrong, if females fill gasoline in vehicles at petrol pumps? Do they not fill same in stoves, generators and other appliances at home? If the work of gas-filling (not its vision) is bad, it should be stopped by females at homes also and by all Males first followed by females at all petrol-pumps in Pakistan. Is Mumtaz ready to bear all consequential unemployment's and not any prattle-suggestion?
In fact, actual badness lies in the eyes of the particular person seeing it badly. The more absurdly it will be seen, the-worst dirtiness shall be apparent to the persons of 'Mumtaz-caliber' visualising female-work in 'Narrow-spectrum' to satisfy their own-whims of typical mind-set.
No religion in general and Islam in particular permits any-male to create false, concocted and baseless faults in females and even teaches to protect females for a genuine-cause including their earning of livelihood in a right-way.
There is 'no-shame or mis-deed' in doing any job with dignity. It is not only 'Shameful but Sternly-punishable' of a maligned-person like Mumtaz. gazing-at females on petrol pumps with 'Bad-Eyes' and pretend his own dirtily-presumed criticism in the society, intended for anti-female campaign.
The people who always try to find faults in others, ultimately ends-up by disclosing their own faults. It is advisable for such persons to confine their filthy-suggestions to themselves and refrain from poking nose in business of non-related females, who are neither dependable nor desirable of their looked-after.
Educated females of today have updated awareness of the growing world better than critic Mumtaz and can very well understand, choose and decide their options on work reachable by them on fine-jobs or odd-jobs. Females shall continue to work on 'Petrol-Pumps' as long as the jobs are offered there for women. Rest assure, their parents and well-wishers can look-after them better than criticiser (Mumtaz), who must always be ready to bear retribution in return of dirty-criticism.
On top of it, female workers at petrol-pumps very well know, how to protect their dignity by themselves from bad-persons (criticisers) gazing-at them with 'Bad-eyes & Wicked intentions'.

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