Brazilian cocoa arrivals up

23 Jun, 2005

Brazil's 2005/06 (May/April) cocoa arrivals from Bahia and other states totalled 953,254 60-kg bags by June 19, up 258 percent from 265,970 bags a year ago, Bahia Commercial Association said Wednesday. Bahia state, Brazil's main cocoa producer, delivered 105,970 bags in the week, compared with 44,170 bags in the same week in 2004/05.
"Arrivals from Bahia have declined in comparison with the two previous weeks but still show a volume well above that of the previous years," cocoa analyst Thomas Hartmann said in the association's weekly report.
He added that arrivals from other states have picked up from the previous weeks's rather low figure.
After generally dry days since the end of last week, light rains are forecast to fall over most of Bahia's cocoa region for the next two days.
Night temperatures are dropping further to the daily range of 17 to 26 Celsius (63-79 Fahrenheit).
After a big rise on the basis of last week's rally to 54 to 57 reais per arroba (15-kg) last Wednesday, slightly lower terminal quotes and renewed weakness of the dollar against the real caused Bahia farm gate prices to ease to 53 to 55 reais bid Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesdays's price range was equivalent to $1,490 to 1,545 a tonne.

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