Heat stroke claims another 14 lives

21 Jun, 2005

Another 14 persons have died of heat stroke during last 24 hours as the temperature rose to 45.5 degree centigrade on Monday. Now the death toll rose to 30 during last three days. Three persons died in Gojra, two each died in Jhang, Muzaffargarh, Sahiwal, one each in Multan, Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, Leiah and Rajanpur," EDO (Health) Dr Abdul Hameed Chughtai said.
The Met office forecast dry and hot weather during next 24 hours and ruled out chances of rain. Power breakdown added to the miseries of the people. All roads, shopping centres, bazaars looked deserted between 9.00 am to 6.00 pm. Doctors have suggested preventive measures. They advised the people not to move out of their houses without covering their heads with cloth. They also asked them to use maximum water with salt.
At least 16 persons, including a woman, have died of heat strokes in the Punjab province during last 24 hours on Saturday, while more than 65 became unconscious as mercury touched 45.5 degree Celsius during last three days.
Of them 10 persons died in southern Punjab and six in upper Punjab.

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