Regulatory bodies told to observe transparency

24 May, 2005

The first meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Regulatory Bodies (CCRB), chaired by Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Monday, discussed in depth the performance of Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra), Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra), National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra), and Pakistan Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA). The CCRB, besides the Prime Minister, comprises Minister for Commerce, Minister for Health, Minister for Industries, Minister for Information, Minister for Information Technology, Minister for Petroleum, Minister for Privatisation, Minister for Water and Power and Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue.
The Committee directed that all ''Authorities'' should make all-out efforts to achieve the targets and emphasised on transparency and accountability in their functioning.
In case of Pemra, the Committee asked the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to consult all stakeholders and to propose a media policy on enforcement vis-à-vis cable operators and other TV channels aimed at facilitating their functioning and, at the same time, keep public morality and values in mind and ensure healthy entertainment, education and free flow of information. The committee appreciated the role of media sector, which has created thousands of job opportunities in the private sector.
The committee directed the Adviser on Energy to examine the issues involved in the transfer of oil functions to Ogra, and consult relevant stakeholders for appropriate recommendations for the consideration of CCRB.
The committee also reviewed the performance of PPRA and urged it to further improve the procedures of the public organisations in the procurement process. The committee asked the PPRA to submit a report at the earliest.
The committee also reviewed the performance of Nepra and decided that it should ensure that tariff determination should be adequately pro-investment and pro-consumer. The committee directed that recommendations should be put up after detailed deliberations.
The Prime Minister directed that each Authority should be asked to make a presentation of its performance before the Committee.

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