Durrani to visit Malakand

08 Dec, 2004

The NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani will undertake two-day visit of Malakand Agency on Sunday and Monday wherein he would address various public rallies at various cities of the agency in connection with by-election campaign of MMA candidate on NA-35 Malakand, Bakhtiar Muani. Meanwhile, the NWFP Senior Minister Sirajul Haq chaired a meeting of MMA elite at residence of Senator Sahibzada Khalid Jan in Dargai that reviewed arrangements for the said visit of the chief minister on December 12 and 13 and necessary decisions taken in the meeting.
On this occasion, a 4-member committee was constituted to be chaired by Provincial Minister for Environment Shah Raz Khan while its other members included Senator Khalid Jan, Maulana Hamidullah Roghani, Amir JUI Malakand and Rizwanullah, Amir JI Dargai.
The committee would finalise the tour schedule and other arrangements of the public addresses and other engagements of the chief minister at various areas of Malakand Agency and would submit compliance report to the senior minister NWFP, in this regard.

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