Two tribes agree to form agency councils

08 Dec, 2004

Dr Javed Hussain Mian, MNA and Parliamentary Secretary for Privatisation and Investment has disclosed that after marathon discussions between Touri and Bangash tribes, the elders of both the tribes in Kurram Agency (Fata) have amicably agreed to establish Agency Councils in their respective areas.
In a statement issued here on Tuesday at the conclusion of the discussions, Dr Javed Hussain Mian expressed his gratitude for all the tribesmen for resolving the matter, which he termed as a remarkable achievement.
He said it would give an impetuous to the development works in their areas and the tribes would themselves implement and monitor the progress of such projects. It would open a new era of prosperity and progress in Kurram Agency, he said.
Dr Javed Hussain further stated that the present government has allocated the ever-highest amount of Rs 5.5 billion for the uplift, development and progress of tribal areas whereas the previous governments had been granting insignificant amount of Rs 1.5 billion, which was insufficient for any development activity.

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