Major chunk of budget goes to agri research: minister

03 Sep, 2004

For the first time Punjab government has allocated 40 percent of the agriculture sector budget for research in order to meet international ratio of expenditure on research work.
Minister for Agriculture Punjab Arshad Khan Lodhi said on Thursday, while talking to newsmen after the inauguration of a two-week training course on agriculture communication at Agriculture House here.
He said in the past years research institutions were unable to take up research projects due to lack of funds. He said: "The present government has changed the situation by providing funds to these institutions as well as the research equipment required so that farmers could benefit with practical guidance."
The minister observed that researchers responded well to the call of the government by developing new seeds, introducing new technologies and provided guidance to the growers for fast growing and better yielding crops.
He emphasised upon the need of publicising research work for its maximum utilisation and sought role from the course participants in this regard.
Lodhi urged the officers working in the Directorate of Agriculture Information Punjab to learn the latest methods and techniques in their field so that modern and useful trend could be introduced in farming.
The course will continue till September 15.

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