Four killed 60 hurt in road mishap

27 Jun, 2004

Four persons, including two women, were killed and about 60 injured when a passenger bus, rammed head-on into another bus in a bid to avoid rocks lying on the Pindi Bhattian-Chiniot road early on Saturday morning at 3.50 am.
Bus No. LXK-3395 from Rawalpindi went out of control when the driver in a bid to avoid rocks and stones lying on the road veered and rammed the vehicle into another bus (SA-5840) coming from the opposite side.
On hearing the crash and the screams of the injured local residents rushed to the spot and helped them out of the wreckage, take them to the nearest hospital.
According to reports the dead have been identified as Maimoona Naz the other woman was wife of one Iqbal Waris Ghulam Hur and the guard of bus No. 3395.
Three of those injured were said to be in critical conditions while the drivers of both vehicles; although injured, managed to flee the scene of the tragedy.

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