Token strike at NICVD from June 28

27 Jun, 2004

Doctors associated with National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) have deferred their decision to go on total strike from Monday - as a protest to make the mysterious disappearance of their senior colleague, Dr Akmal Waheed.
Acting Director of NICVD, Dr Asaduallah Kundi told APP here on Saturday that the joint action committee of NICVD has agreed not to resort to total strike but would observe token strike.
In the larger interest of patients, the doctors have assured that routine and regular surgeries would not be effected. Moreover, no patient visiting the institute would be refused, Dr Kundi said.
The acting director mentioned that following his conversation with the Federal Health Minister, Naseer Khan a delegation comprising Prof. Younus Khatri and one of the doctors nominated by NICVD Doctors Action Committee would leave for Islamabad in next few days, and meet the minister to get the matter expedited.

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