Light rains likely for US corn and soya

15 Jun, 2004

Scattered rains were expected later this week across key parts of the US Midwest crop region, a private forecaster said on Monday.
"The weather isn't ideal, but it also isn't a disaster for the crop," said Meteorlogix forecaster Mike Palmerino on Monday. "The crop isn't getting as much sun and heat (as needed) and there are still locally excessive rains."
Still, Chicago Board of Trade grain traders expected the government to report a slight improvement in US corn and soybean crop conditions on Monday.
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) last Monday said 85 percent of the US soy crop had been planted and 65 percent of the crop was in good to excellent condition.
The USDA rated the US corn crop last Monday as 68 percent good to excellent and 95 percent of the crop had emerged.
During the weekend, very light rains fell across parts of south-western Iowa, south-eastern Nebraska and north-western Missouri, Palmerino said.
Rains of mostly 0.30 inch to 2.00 inches fell across parts of the eastern Midwest, but localised rains were much heavier, up to seven inches.
Light rains were expected through Wednesday and during the weekend across the western Midwest, while temperatures were expected to remain above normal until Wednesday, Palmerino said.

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