DHA misusing security force against traders, residents

26 May, 2004

Anjuman-e-Tajran and Residents Association of Defence Housing Authority (DHA) have demanded of the Corps Commander, Lahore, who is also chairman of DHA, to take note of highhandedness of DHA management which in violation of court's order is causing physical torture upon the traders.
Iqbal Rasool Dar, President Residents Association and President Anjuman-e-Tajran Raja Amir Ullah Khan said that DHA was misusing security force against the traders and residents of DHA which forced them to think over shifting from DHA despite the fact they have spent million of rupees on business centres and residence.
Despite the stay orders issued by Lahore High Court, the DHA officials in connivance with the security force sealed a shop H-139 and picked 14 staff members including owner of the shop and subjected them to physical tortures. To record their protest, the traders observed shutter down token strike against the DHA officials' attitude.
The DHA management amends its bylaws over a night and without prior publicity of these amendments, served notices to the residents and traders. Besides, shopkeepers are forced to get license for their businesses from DHA on payment of thousands of rupees, which is discrimination towards them, they maintained. They demanded immediate removal of Colonel Farooq Ahmad (Retd) from DHA services for subjecting physical torture to businessmen and their staff. They further asked the authorities to stop levying of huge fine on shops.

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