BBC journalist among 3 held in Greece

16 May, 2004

Greek police arrested three British journalists who tried to sneak into the main Olympic stadium on Saturday without permission, a police spokesman said.
The spokesman said one journalist worked for British broadcaster BBC and the other two were photographers for an unidentified British magazine. It was the third arrest of foreign journalists around an Olympic venue this week.
The journalists were spotted on Saturday inside a side entrance of the unfinished Olympic stadium.
"They were told to stop but ignored the guards and tried to walk away before being arrested," the spokesman told Reuters. "They have been taken to a police station near the stadium."
"They flew into Greece today and were scheduled to leave tomorrow."
On Thursday, a London Times reporter and a photographer were briefly detained after spending several hours inside the main Olympic Stadium. On the same day three German reporters were arrested inside the Games' second largest venue at the Hellenikon sports complex in southern Athens.

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