Prime Minister's message on Mother's Day: government to help womenfolk attain better status in society

09 May, 2004

Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali said the government will provide maximum support and encouragement to women, while keeping within the norms of religion and culture to help them realise their full potential.
In a message to women on Mother's Day, Prime Minister Jamali said he sincerely believed in the goodness and greatness of womenfolk, adding: "They are patient, modest, tactful, honourable, brave and intelligent and deserve a much better status than what we have given to them so far in our society."
Reaffirming his highest regard and respect for the women, he said: "I will always endeavour to support their efforts to obtain education and all rights and privileges as an equal member of our society."
Prime Minister called for giving high priority to health and education of women in the society.
"Only healthy mothers can beget healthy babies and bring them up to be active and productive citizens of Pakistan," he said.
Jamali urged the young married couples to space their babies so that continuous and excessive child-bearing does not ruin women's health and makes her incapable of looking after her family.
"A woman's health is her greatest wealth and education is equally important for her."
Jamali said education for a women means education for the entire family as an illiterate women is totally incapable of meeting the rigorous demands and dynamics of the 21st century, and cannot guide her children in any constructive manner towards positive goals.
He said there is no bar in Islam against a women participating in trade, business or adopting a profession.
Venerated Hazrat Khadija, wife of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was herself an eminent business women of Mekkah.
He said: "If a female desires to work, she is welcome to fulfil her desire. Whether she wants to be a working woman or a housewife, is her choice and in both cases she deserves full respect and courtesy."
He quoted a Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that "paradise lies at the feet of the mother
The prime minister also referred to another Hadith about a man who approached the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and inquired as to whom he should serve to gain merit, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied: "Serve your mother." The man again asked: "And after that whom should I serve?" The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: "Your mother. The man persisted: and after that whom should I serve? and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) again replied: "Your mother. The man then again asked for the fourth time: But after the mother whom should I serve? And the Holy Prophet (PBUH) finally said: "Your father."
Jamali assured the women that his government was fully aware of the multifarious problems faced by females in any developing country.
He said: "While keeping within the boundaries and norms of our religion and culture we intend to provide maximum support and encouragement to our women to realise their potential as important members of the community".

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