Opposition leaders meet Suu Kyi

30 Apr, 2004

Top members of Myanmar's opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) Thursday met with their detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi at her home for the second time to discuss next month's constitutional convention.
All nine members of the NLD's decision-making Central Executive Committee were present, including vice-chairman deputy Tin Oo who was again brought from house arrest to attend the talks, an AFP reporter on the scene saw.
The NLD officials also met with Aung San Suu Kyi Wednesday, but said afterwards that no definite decision had been reached on whether to attend the military government's March 17 convention aimed at drafting a constitution.
"We could make no decision regarding the national convention one way or another," NLD secretary U Lwin said at the time.
"Things are very sensitive at this stage," he said, adding: "This is a time when things are so uncertain about the nation's future so we are taking time over this."

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