Call to create awareness on copyright laws

30 Apr, 2004

A greater focus on creating awareness of copyright laws in Pakistan and supporting government's efforts for their implementation were highlighted at a seminar held here on Thursday to mark the World Intellectual Property Day - 2004.
The speakers shared their personal experiences and highlighted damages caused to the creators as a result of infringement of the copyright laws.
They resolved that a greater awareness of copyright laws be created among the people to encourage innovations.
The seminar titled "Copyright Law infringements and the Creator", arranged at the Arts Council of Pakistan by Khursheed Khan at the Center for Advancement of Research in Intellectual Property Laws (CARE-IP) and the Literary Committee of the Arts Council of Pakistan.
Jamiluddin Aali, a famous writer and poet was the chief guest, narrated the plight of writers, journey of the copyright laws in Pakistan, and his personal experience in terms of copyright benefits.
Saeed Rizvi representing the film industry said Pakistan film industry, particularly Karachi film industry was badly damaged due to infringement of copyright laws.
Ghulam Abbas, the representative from CARE-IP read out the message from Dr Kamil Idris, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
WIPO is an international organisation, dedicated to helping in ensuring that the rights of creators and owners of intellectual property are protected world-wide and that inventors and authors are recognised and rewarded for their ingenuity.
The other speakers included Sarshar Siddiqui a writer, and Professor Anis Zaidi of Literary Committee, Arts Council of Pakistan.
The World Intellectual Property Day provides an opportunity for people of all nations to reflect on the importance of creativity and innovation in building a better world.

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