Minister visits inter exam centers

29 Apr, 2004

Provincial Minister for Education, Mian Imran Masood on Wednesday paid surprise visits to different centers of intermediate examination.
The Minister went Queen Marry College, Government M.A.O College and Government College of Education for Women and asked different questions to the candidates as well as invigilators and staff working over there.
Talking on this occasion Imran said that credibility of our education system is improving day-by-day and now there were very rare cases of cheating and unfair means.
He said that Government had also made foolproof arrangements to ensure discipline in and around the centres.
He said that present government was committed for the uplift of education and comprehensive strategy has been evolved to provide basic facilities to the education institutions working in the public sector.
Chief Minister Punjab, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, has allocated special funds, to encourage the brilliant students particularly at college level and an endowment fund of Rs 500 million has been established in this regard, he added.
Imran Masood also visited different sections of Government College of Education for Women and asked questions to the teachers regarding their curriculum.
He also questioned the candidates regarding facilities being provided at the centers.
Chairman BISE Lahore Dr Muhammad Zikrya Butt, Addl. Secretary Education Muhammad Akram Chaudhry and Secretary Lahore Board Haji Muhammad Dogar also accompanied him.

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