Pakistan and Turkey agree to produce Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

29 Apr, 2004

Pakistan and Turkey have agreed in principle to jointly produce Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), official sources said here on Wednesday, but gave no details of the co-production project.
The idea to undertake joint production of UAV, an indispensable weapon of modern warfare, was broached by the visiting Turkish defence delegation led by Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul in a meeting with Defence Minister Rao Sikander Iqbal at the Defence Ministry in Rawalpindi.
In their meeting the two leaders also underscored the desire to enhance collaboration in defence production.
Rao informed the delegation that Pakistan attached special importance to its relations with Turkey, which he said, were deep-rooted. Both the countries enjoyed excellent relations and it was imperative to have closer collaboration in the field of defence, he added.
The defence minister expressed his belief that the High Level Military Dialogue Group (HLMDG) between Pakistan and Turkey would prove very helpful in achieving the desired results in the field of military co-operation and defence collaboration.
Defence Secretary Lieutenant General Hamid Nawaz Khan (Retd) briefed the Turkish delegation on various achievements made by Pakistan in the field of defence production.
He particularly mentioned the successful production of Al-Zarrar and Al-Khalid tanks and said both the tanks were cost-effective and of high quality. He emphasised the need of closer collaboration in the defence sector.
Turkish defence minister congratulated both the minister and defence secretary on the production of such high quality tanks at a cheaper price, the official handout said.
The visiting minister said Pakistan and Turkey have shared memories of warm and lasting friendship since long.
He expounded the idea to undertake a joint venture for the production of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), in addition to the existing co-operation in the field of defence.
He also emphasised the need for promoting and enhancing trade relations between the two countries, the handout noted.
Turkish defence minister also called on Minister of State for Defence Production Division Habibullah Warraich and discussed matters pertaining to the defence co-operation.
The minister briefed the visiting delegation about the achievements of defence industry of Pakistan.
The Turkish minister invited both Rao Sikander Iqbal and Habibullah Warraich to visit his country.
On arrival at the ministry Vecdi Gonul was given guard of honour by a smartly turned out contingent of the armed forces.

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