Nallah and battered roads

27 Apr, 2004

I happen to reside at "Afshan Apartment" adjacent to Falcon House School, Sana Street, Karachi, off Nazareth Road, which area is situated in very close proximity to the office of your esteemed daily.
Furthermore, one of the most renowned politicians of PPP, namely Gabol, is also residing in the very next lane, of my abode, at Afshan Apartment. It is undoubtedly in your knowledge, that for unknown reasons, the Nallah at Nazareth Road is never cleaned, and very near the Nallah the rubbish thrown is never lifted, causing in its wake the risk of serious health hazards to the residents of the area.
The road or lane of Sana Street, where it is my misfortune to reside, has constant sewerage blockage, whilst the roads of this area are damaged and battered, necessitating immediate major repairs, by the concerned Karachi administration.
Your courtesy in publication of this letter, may compel the Karachi Administration undertake the much needed the long overdue repairs and permanent cleaning of the Nallah besides removal of the rubbish, causing health hazards.

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