Hide and skin rates

25 Apr, 2004

Following is the market quotation for hide and skins for the month of March 2004 according to the release issued on April 17 by the Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA) received at our end on April 24, 2004.
Wet salted goat skins extra large category II down Rs 10 to Rs 270, III quoted at Rs 170, large Cat II down Rs 10 to Rs 250 and III quoted at Rs 140, medium I up Rs 10 to Rs 180, II quoted at Rs 160 and III quoted at Rs 65, and small I quoted at Rs 115, II up Rs 5 to Rs 50, sheep skins extra large I quoted at Rs 475, II down Rs 25 to Rs 350, large I quoted at Rs 450 and II down Rs 25 to Rs 300, medium I quoted at Rs 300 and II down Rs 20 to Rs 170, small I quoted at Rs 100 and II at Rs 70, buffalo hide extra large I up Rs 50 to Rs 1800, II up Rs 50 to Rs 1500, III up Rs 100 to Rs 1200, large I up Rs 150 to Rs 1400, II up Rs 100 to Rs 1050, medium I up Rs 50 to Rs 850 and II quoted at Rs 700 and small I up Rs 100 to Rs 650 and II quoted at Rs 500, Cow hide extra large I down Rs 300 to Rs 2300 II down Rs 200 to Rs 2000, large I down Rs 100 to Rs 2100, II down Rs 100 to Rs 1700, medium down Rs 150 to Rs 1800 and II down Rs 150 to Rs 1400, small I down Rs 100 to Rs 1000 and II shed Rs 50 to Rs 750.
The prices indicated above quotation are average and can vary to the extent of 20 percent more or less than above indicated prices depending on the mark and standard of tanneries according to the tannage and selection standards.

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