'Active participation of civil society must for progress'

22 Apr, 2004

Advisor to Prime Minister on Women Development, Social Welfare and Special Education, Nilofar Bakhtiar on Wednesday said country's prosperity can be achieved with the active participation of its civil society and through public-private partnership.
She said this at the launching of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) by the delegation of the European Commission to Pakistan here.
The programme includes launching of 12 projects in various areas of the country with an amount of 500,000 Euros.
Speaking on the occasion, Nilofar said government encouraged the initiatives by the civil society organisations to work for the development of country.
She said government was working on several projects for the uplift of common people, especially the women.
Soon a bill would be brought before the cabinet for legislation on women's killing in name of honour, she added.
She said separate reporting cells at some police stations had been set up to facilitate women.
Crises Centres in several cities were providing legal and medical aid to the deprived women.
Government also intends to set up 10 more crisis centres along with shelter homes in different cities, she added.
Nilofar said it was government's commitment to move in the direction of achieving Millennium Development Goals in terms of gender equality.
Ambassador of European Union, Ilkka Uusitalo said the 12 projects launched in Pakistan had been designed to support local civil society initiatives and reinforce their contribution to human rights.
In this regard, 12 local non-governmental organisations would be funded by the EU to work in different areas of the country, he added. He said there is a need for a major shift in attitudes for not accepting the violence against women at all levels.
He said the EU in current week will launcch a second round for call for proposals under the micro-projects programme for the prevention of violence against women and improving access to legal system.
This time the grants will be up to Euros 100,000, he added.
About the details of the 12 projects, Dr Shaheena Waheed, Development Advisor EU Delegation said these aimed at promoting and protecting rights of women, strengthening the capacity of civil society organisation and fight against torture in form of deliberate cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

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