Israel has every right to respond to terror: Kerry

19 Apr, 2004

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said Sunday "Israel has every right in the world to respond to any act of terror against it," when asked about Israel's assassination of Hamas chief Abdel Aziz Rantissi.
"I believe Israel has every right in the world to respond to any act of terror against it. Hamas is a terrorist, brutal organisation," Kerry told NBC television.
"It has had years to make up its mind to take part in a peaceful process. They refuse to. Arafat refuses to. And I support Israel's efforts to try to separate itself and to try to be secure," Kerry said.
"The moment Hamas says, 'We've given up violence, we're prepared to negotiate,' I am absolutely confident they will find an Israel that is thirsty to have that negotiation," Kerry added.
KERRY SLAMS BUSH: John Kerry slammed President George W. Bush's team on its handling of foreign policy Sunday, promising if elected to chart a new more co-operative course in US relations with other nations.
"This administration has proven stunningly ineffective in diplomacy," Kerry told NBC television. "Our administration has been as arrogant and ineffective as it could possibly be."
"If I am president I will not only personally go to the UN (after election) I will go to other capitals and I will have my secretary of state fully empowered ... which we now know from Bob Woodward's book is not the case," Kerry said.
Journalist Woodward's new book "Plan of Attack" says Secretary of State Colin Powell was effectively sidelined in decision-making before the invasion of Iraq.
"This administration misled America. Nothing is more important than how a president takes a nation to war, how a president decides to put young men and women at risk for our nation," Kerry said.
"I believe this president broke faith with the rules of how a president does that. He even broke faith with his own promises to the country." Whet's more, "never has the United States of America been held in such low regard, and polls have shown this," Kerry added.

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