121 Indian boy scouts arrive to attend jamboree

19 Apr, 2004

A contingent of 121 boy scouts from India have arrived here to take part in the 13th National Scout Jamboree. India is participating in the jamboree after a decade.
Besides, India, the countries like Sri Lanka and Afghanistan are also participating with representation of 'five scouts and two leaders and five scouts and a leader respectively.
The week-long jamboree being organised by Pakistan Boy Scouts Association (PBSA) was inaugurated by Federal Education Minister Zobaida Jalal on Saturday. She announced a financial grant of Rs 200 million for the promotion of scouting throughout the country.
Some 5,000 boy scouts from the nine branches of PBSA from all over the country are participating in the jamboree.
On Sunday, the second day of 'the jamboree, the scouts took part in various competitions and indoor and outdoor activities to polish their skills and abilities in accordance with the theme of the jamboree - 'Scouting for Global Peace'.
The cause for holding of the jamboree is to improve the spirit of brotherhood among the scouts drawn from different cultures and societies by providing them ample opportunities to directly interact with each other.
Afghan scout leader Gul Ahmed Mustafa giving his views on the Jamboree, said Afghanistan was participating in the event after a lapse of 25 years.
Gul said: "We are happy to be here to attend the National Jamboree after 25 years."
Sri Lankan scout leader Mohammad Hashim expressed fullest satisfaction on the arrangements and steps taken by the PBSA for organising such an important event for the youth.
The jamboree is being attended by the scouts between the age of 12 and 18 years.

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