Moot on role of agriculture in poverty alleviation

19 Apr, 2004

A three-day National Conference on 'Role of Agriculture in Poverty Alleviation' would begin here on April 21, whose recommendations would be presented to the government for incorporating these in the forthcoming national budget.
Unfolding the details in a press conference about the agriculture conference being participated by 500 stakeholders involved in agriculture sector, including experts from the government and the private sector, Dr Saeed Ahmed, president, Agriculture Foundation of Pakistan, said the conference is being held at a time when preparations for the next budget are in full swing.
The conference has been organised by the Agricultural Foundation of Pakistan in collaboration with the Pakistan Science Foundation and the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council at the National Agricultural Research Centre here.
Dr Saeed, who was flanked by eminent agricultural experts, including Dr Mohammed Ramzan, Riaz Ali Shah Bukhari, Haleem U. Hasnain, Altaf H. Chaudhry and Mahfooz Ali Shah, said basically, Pakistan is agriculture country and agriculturists have a considered opinion that the poverty in the country can be minimised by boosting the agriculture sector.

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