Importance of women education highlighted

19 Apr, 2004

The women writers and intellectuals have urged upon the Sindh as well as Federal government to take stern action against those found involved in the Karo Kari cases in the upper Sindh and stressed the educated women to play their vital role in development of education among womenfolk.
Speaking at a seminar on "The Role of Women in the Development of Sindhi Literature" organised by the Sindhi Adabi Board, Jamshoro here on Saturday, the women writers and intellectuals maintained that the girls are being deprived from academic education even today instead of the government is taking lot of efforts in this regard.
The seminar was largely attended by women from the universities, colleges, different literary societies and NGO's.
The speakers at the occasion highlighted the problems being faced by the womenfolk in the rural areas concerning education and other matters in their daily life. They said that the education is key to the development and the women are equal partner in the development of any society.
The speakers also highlighted the outdated traditions in the society and said that due to these traditions the women community is being deprived to its basic rights of the education, health and other facilities.
Dr Mumtaz Bhutto, Ms Mahtab Mahboob, Dr Tahmina Mufti, Professor Sahar Imdad, Dr Qamar Jahan Mirza, Professor Amar Sindhu, Samina Memon, Irfana Mallah, Gulbadan Javed, Dr Nasreen Junejo, Professor Rashida Bhatti, Dr Azra Kandhar, Professor Inam Shaikh, Yasmin Marri and others expressed their views on the different aspects of the women issues.

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