NGOs asked to devise plan for information technology promotion

17 Apr, 2004

Economic and social sector interventions would help reduce the 'poverty of deprivation' over a period of time, the poorest of the poor need to be assisted in a more direct manner.
Punjab Minister for Information Technology Abdul Aleem Khan stated this while talking to country co-ordinator of an NGO Ali Raza here on Friday.
Aleem disclosed that a sum of Rs 8,662 million is being spent on the execution of various developmental schemes for improving social infrastructure of the province in current ADP.
He added that Rs 2,900.716 million and Rs 5,761.284 million are being spent on the completion of different on-going and new schemes, respectively.
This sector also included a foreign aid component of Rs 1,766.607 million.
He stated that an amount of Rs 36 million is being executed on the completion of various social welfare schemes. The basic purpose of these schemes is to bring change in the life of the common man.
He asked the non formal sector to help implement the agenda of social sector reforms so that a qualitative change could occur in the civil society.
Moreover, monitoring and evaluation systems have already been put in place to promote accountability in the management and application of public funds, he said.
He asked NGOs to devise a viable plan to promote information technology in the province in such a way that it could help the needy youth to become independent financially.

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