Anti-US rally staged in Multan

17 Apr, 2004

Jamaat-i-Islami has appealed to the governments of European countries, United States and Japan to pull out their troops from Iraq forthwith and urged the UN to take notice of large-scale killings and attacks on places of worship which may cause a strong reaction from the Muslim nations in the world.
More than 300 activists of the Jamaat-e-Islami on Friday staged a demonstration on Masoom Shah road under the leadership of Ch Muhammad Latif, Rao Zafar Iqbal and others to condemn mass killings and attacks on the mosques in Iraq during the last week.
They burnt the US flag and chanted anti-US slogans. They expressed solidarity with the Iraqi people and vowed not to buy US products in any case.
They appealed to the consumers to boycott the products of US and its allies.
"We appeal to the Muslim states to forge unity in their ranks shedding their differences and they should be united on the issue of Iraq and Afghanistan," said Rao Zafar Iqbal of the Jamaat.
Participants of the rally were chanting slogans against America and Israel. They were carrying placards inscribed with slogans "Friend of Bush is enemy of Muslims", "Stop genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan" and "Pullout forces from Iraq."

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