Conviction of Hashmi criticised

13 Apr, 2004

Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N), and Pakistan People's Party and Pakistan Democratic Party have strongly reacted to the punishment awarded to Makhdoom Javed Hashmi Acting President of PML-N and ARD by a court in a sedition case describing it as unfair and repugnant to the norms of justice.
Nawabzada Mansoor Ahmed Khan Acting President of ARD said that Javed Hashmi was trailed in jail premises like terrorists.
He showed a letter to the Press that he secretly received from the army officers. He said that the judgement had defamed the judiciary and some judicial officers were playing in the hands of Generals.
Former Senator, Muhammad Rajwana said, "It is unexpected and behind the norms of justice and the Muslim League would challenge it in the superior courts".
"It is cruel and unjust punishment", said Hafiz Iqbal Khan Khakwani former Punjab Minister of PML-N.

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