Christians celebrate Easter on April 11

11 Apr, 2004

The Christian community will celebrate Easter with great religious fervour and enthusiasm in the city on Sunday with a renewed pledge to further foster love, promote peace and uphold the glory of truth in the country.
Members of the Christian community would throng the churches to offer special prayers for further strengthening the national solidarity, integrity, sovereignty, prosperity and development of the country.
The biggest congregation would be held at the Cathedral Church here, where the Lord Bishop of Lahore, Dr Alexandar John Malik would conduct the services.
Meanwhile, the Bishop, in his Easter message, said Easter provided a ray of hope and beam of desire to all those, who were struggling against all sorts of social evils, tyranny and injustices from the society.
He said that Christians across the country would renew pledge to support the oppressed sections, whether they were Kashmiris or people of Kosovo and Palestine, who were being tortured, or women and minorities being victimised.
The Christian community already observed a religious programme on April 9, here in connection with "Good Friday," marking end of Lint's days (Fasting).

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